Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Why Cigarettes Can Be Cool

Imagine Danny Zucko from "Grease". Now imagine him leaning against his Harley Davidson with his jet black hair slicked back while smoking a cigarette. To me, this is the definition of cool. Teachers always say "it's all about how you approach the situation" and this is they way I look at cigarettes, if you smoke them occasionally and almost use them as an accessory to bring your whole identity together, then I say go for it! It only begins to get dangerous when you start smoking a pack a day. Although I don't smoke them myself, I do condone them. Everyone is constantly concerned with the health risks of smoking  but those are almost all life-long smokers. Plus, we all die eventually right?


  1. Good post David I agree that as long as you don't smoke cigarettes regularly you can really use them to make you a cool, popular and hip person. The health risks will always be there but it's kind of like how you risk getting into a car accident everytime you drive a car.

  2. I disagree with you David i think that smoking is a very unhealthy and dangerous thing to do. Stats show that every cigarette someone smokes can take up to 3 minutes out of their life expectancy. I also don't believe it is "cool" to smoke and harm other people around them through second hand smoke. Second hand smoke is extremely dangerous to young children and it isn't fair for an individuals unhealthy decisions to negatively affect the innocent people that happen to be near them.

  3. Because it makes you look cool and everyone is going to die anyway, smoking occasionally is okay?

    I'm going to argue that smoking DOES NOT make someone look cool. Cigarettes are not an accessory. They are an addiction that most smokers wish they did not take up.

    I also don't buy Andj's parallel to getting into a car. When in a car, you are NOT guaranteed to get in a car accident, but when you smoke a cigarette, you are damaging your body.

  4. The Grease reference was genius, who doesn't want to look like a bad ass? Smoking makes it look like you don't care, and when you don't care people crave your attention, and who doesn't like attention? Great post! (just agreeing because everyone else didn't don't smoke kids)

  5. I'm not too sure whether to agree or disagree with this post, David. Like Mitch said the Grease reference is a hard one to go against, although I feel as the times have changed and Danny looks hot in leather smoking a cigarette when its in the 50's because that was the trend in that time era. If I were to see someone in 2014 smoking out side of ODSS the chances are I would find it gross and sketchy, not attractive at all.

  6. This post makes me SICK cigarettes have ruined lives and torn families apart yet you sit here thinking the odd cigarette is "cool" i'm sure every cigarette addict out there said they would only smoke "every once and a while" or "only try it once". The reality is when people see someone with a cigarette they are disgusted, they smell terrible, stain your fingers and teeth and worst of all they KILL.

    1. Ethan, you are stretching this so far. Smoking kills, true, but only if you spend you're whole life doing it. And even life long smokers today are finding easier to quit due to new technologies allowing them to quit. Plus, even if you don't like the idea of cigarettes for the health reasons cigars also pose the same image so you can't disagree with the imagary of being cool through smoking because you think cigars are cool..... so why should that perception change with cigarettes?

  7. I completely disagree with this dave! Besides the health issue there are still so many other reasons not to smoke! It may have made you look cool and attracted the girls back in the 50s the time period Grease was set in but now, 60 years later, IT IS NOT COOL! When I see someone smoking in their 10 minute break between classes or at a party the last thing I think is "cool". If your trying to attract the ladies.. Its not working! I can't think of a girl who has told me "you know what really attracts me to a guy, smoking!". I would never want to date a guy that smoked. The smell on their clothes, and the taste in their mouth would be such a turn off! In my eyes smoking is the polar opposite of "cool"!
